The Magical GCO Bin: A Quick Hack for a Guest-Ready Home

The bonus of having a professional organizer as your best friend? She helps you get some pretty darn good systems in place (like a GCO bin).

Cons? She’ll make sure you keep those systems in place… and will bug you via text, phone, or by just showing up on your doorstep unannounced to make sure it happens (and also to drink your wine). It’s like having a really friendly enforcer who hugs you but then makes you do stuff. So weird.

But what does GCO stand for, you may ask?  GCO = Guests Coming Over.

A GCO bin is a magical quick fix when you have guests showing up with very little notice, and you simply haven’t had time to get your home cleaned up in the way you had hoped before they knock on the door.

It’s not going to fix the 5 loads of laundry hanging out on your guest bed waiting to be folded, or the dishes in your sink hoping for a wash, but it will help out with the clutter that is scattered around the common areas of your home. And removing that clutter can be an instant facelift when you’ve got people coming over. Toys, mail, magazines, projects - whatever is laying around that just hasn’t been put away.

Let’s be realistic people. We live in our homes, and we’re not always going to have them in perfect order, and that’s ok. Systems are our saving grace - and a GCO bin is one of those systems. 

Grey Large Bin being used to declutter and gather things around the home

Here’s what you do:

  1. Find a nice big bin or basket (one with handles makes things really easy), but even a cardboard box will work. Having one you can dedicate as your GCO bin is best. This is what I use - I love it because it’s inexpensive, sturdy, and holds a good amount of stuff when I need to use it.

  2. When it’s go-time, simply grab your GCO bin and calmly move from room to room in the common spaces, placing all the counter clutter in the bin. 

  3. If you can, toss trash and old mail as you go… no need to put that stuff in there.

  4. When you’re done, place your GCO somewhere out of sight - maybe in a closet, guest room, the garage, or laundry room.

  5. The next day, carve out 15-20 minutes to calmly put the items back where they belong. Maybe while you’re drinking your morning coffee or tea?

Friendly Rule: In order to make this a system that actually works, you need to put the items back within 24 hours. Otherwise you’ve just created a brand new dump zone, and nobody needs that.

This system works well because you know where everything is - it’s all in the bin, and you’re going to put everything away (right?). You’re not shoving items into random drawers or closets, kicking things under beds, or putting stuff in any other creative hiding spots you’ve found over the years. It’s simply compartmentalizing the clutter, temporarily, allowing you the time to host guests and then handle the clean up just a bit later on. 

I’d like to note though, just like all organizing systems, this absolutely doesn’t work for everyone across the board. If you’re an “out of sight, out of mind” type of person, this probably isn’t the best fit for you. I’d wager that once that GCO bin is put in the closet, it might be completely off your radar - and that’s ok. Or maybe you know that you are just never going to make it back to that bin within 24 hours. That’s ok too - but I’d encourage you to be honest with yourself about it. This system just won’t be a great fit. In these cases, it’s not a right or wrong kinda thing, it’s just a matter of identifying what’s a good fit - and what’s not!  


Hey there! I’m Kerry, and I’m a professional home organizer in the Northwest, specifically the Portland, Oregon / Vancouver, Washington area. I also travel up to the Mat-Su Valley region of Alaska (Anchorage, Palmer, Wasilla) a few times a year - going everywhere clearing clutter from people’s homes. I’ll meet you where you're at, zero judgment (and will bring along a sense of humor).

We can declutter, organize, and create spaces that support the life you want to live! 

If you’d like, you can learn a bit more about me here.

Want to schedule a no judgment, complimentary consultation? I’d love the opportunity to meet you, hear your story, and learn how I can help.

Kerry Proctor

Hey there! I’m Kerry, and I’m a professional home organizer in the Northwest, specifically the Portland, Oregon / Vancouver, Washington area. I also travel up to the Mat-Su Valley region of Alaska (Anchorage, Palmer, Wasilla) a few times a year - going everywhere clearing clutter from people’s homes. I’ll meet you where you're at, zero judgment (and will bring along a sense of humor).

We can declutter, organize, and create spaces that support the life you want to live! 

If you’d like, you can learn a bit more about me here.

Want to schedule a no judgment, complimentary consultation? I’d love the opportunity to meet you, hear your story, and learn how I can help. Just click here and let’s talk!

Trading Boardrooms for Sock Drawers: Why I Became a Professional Organizer


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